Saturday, 15th of September 2018 . 02:00 PM PST . FOLSOM HIGH SCHOOL MULTI PURPOSE HALL , FOLSOM , CA


Ticket Type Price ($) Quantity Total
Sept 9- Sept 15
(DANCE to spread awareness on different abilities and promote inclusion )
12 0
Ages 5 and under
0 0
Child/adult with spl needs 0 0
Delivery Methods
Delivery Charge
Charity Fund
Service Charge
Service Charge Credit Back $
Total Price
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Points in your account can save you money.
- All tickets are NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERABLE. Please contact organizer directly for any issues.
- A printout of the order receipt issued by should be produced at the venue with photo Id.
-Thanks for purchasing the tickets. By purchasing you accept to sign this liability release . In consideration of the acceptance of this entry, I hereby, for myself and my heirs, executors, and administrators, waive any and all rights, claims for damages I may have against WeEMBRACE, the event organizers, all event sponsors, and all individuals associated with the event. None of the above are responsible for the loss of personal items, or any form of aggravation in connection with event. I understand that I must be in good physical health to participate and do not hold event organizers liable for any problems associated with my physical condition. By purchasing this ticket, I acknowledge I have read and fully understand my own liability and do accept the restrictions. We agree that the participant code of conduct and terms of participation in the Dance-A-Thon Sacramento are important to the safety and well being of all participants. We agree to abide by these rules and the terms of participation and to conduct ourselves accordingly Any questions, please message